Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - 2025 Diagonal Road Reconstruction

 The District will receive bids February 6th for the reconstruction of approximately 1.7 miles of Diagonal, begining at SH41.  Work on this project will be limited to that portion of Diagonal Road, within the Districts right-of-way.  The State is currently working on their plans to improve the intersection at SH41.  For questions about the Diagonal and SH41 Intersection, contact ITD at 208-772-1200 or refer to the Idaho Transportation Improvement Program (ITIP) for ITD District 1.  For information regarding other projects we have planned refer to Lakes Hwy District Info Tab on this website.

Saturday, January 18, 2025 - Brunner BNSF Grade Seperation

 The Lakes Highway District was recently awarded approx $14.5 million to grade seperate the BNSF Railway and Brunner Road.  Funding will come from the Federal Rail Administration, Railroad Crossing Elimination Program.  This project is anticipated to be constructed within the next 5-yrs.  For more information click the following links or contact the District.  Bridging the Valley, untitled;   Brunner Road Description 

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Monday, September 30, 2024 - We've Moved!

New Location: 

17783 N. Pope Road

Hayden, ID 83858








Lakes Highway District

Hours: Monday - Thursday 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

17783 N. Pope Road
Hayden, Idaho 83835

Lakes Highway District - Hayden, Idaho

The Lakes Highway District was formed in May of 1971 as a result of the consolidation of the Kootenai County Road Department and four individual highway districts: Belmont, Bench, Dalton and Hayden Lake. As part of the consolidation in 1971, Lakes Highway District along with East Side, Worley and Post Falls Highway District formed an association named the Associated Highway Districts of Kootenai County, Idaho. The purpose of this organization is for the betterment of the secondary highway system in Kootenai County through cooperation, sharing of knowledge and ideas common to and for the benefit of the four Highway Districts in Kootenai County.

Lakes Highway District maintains the rural county roads in the areas surrounding Coeur d'Alene, Dalton, Hayden, Hayden Lake, Avondale, Twin Lakes, Spirit Lake and Bayview, Idaho. The District Boundaries generally lay north of Best Avenue in Coeur d’Alene up to the Bonner County line, east of State Highway 41 and north of the Rathdrum City Limits. The District maintains approximately 592 lane miles of road within its jurisdiction. View Lakes Highway District Map

The Lakes Highway District is an equal opportunity employer with the office being located at 17783 N. Pope Road, near the intersection of Pope and Garwood Road in Hayden, Idaho. District personnel consists of three commissioners, director of highways, deputy director of highways, clerk, treasurer, permit coordinator/receptionist and 16 maintenance personnel.

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